Essex All Age advocacy service

28 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7GR
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Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Sat and Sun: Closed

The Essex All Age advocacy service represents and empowers vulnerable people in various areas of their lives.

Independent Mental Health Advocates (IMHAs) are dedicated advocates who assist individuals receiving mental health treatment, particularly under the Mental Health Act.

Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs), on the other hand, represent individuals who may lack capacity to make specific decisions about their health and welfare.

Independent Care Act Advocacy (ICAAs) provide support to individuals who require care and support under the Care Act 2014.

Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCAs) help individuals navigate the complaints process related to their National Health Service (NHS) care or treatment.

Paid Relevant Person Representatives (RPRs) act on behalf of individuals detained under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) or the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS).

We work to ensure that the rights people are acknowledged, respected, and protected. We work with passion and dedication to promote social justice, equality, and fairness by raising awareness, influencing policies, and providing assistance to people who need it.

If you are a young person receiving social care services, you have a right to access independent advocacy. An advocate can help you to make a complaint or to support you to have your views heard in meetings where decisions are being made about you.

In partnership with Rethink Advocacy, advocacy for children and young people in Essex is provided by Coram Voice.

Coram Voice is a charity that specialises in empowering children and young people in and on the edges of the care system. We are part of the Coram group of charities.

Coram Voice will be providing children’s rights advocacy to any child who has an allocated social worker; this includes: children in need, children in care, care leavers, children who have a child protection plan (helping them share their wishes and feelings at conferences) and children with disabilities.

Coram Voice contact details
Helpline: 0808 800 5792

For those not entitled to advocacy by law, Rethink All Age advocacy service provides community advocacy designed to help individuals cope with a range of difficult situations encountered in daily life.

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What advocates can and can't do

An advocate can stand by you, and stand up for you, when important decisions are being made about your care, treatment and the way you live your life. They can help you understand your rights and options, and then support you in expressing your views and wishes to the relevant services. They can also speak up on your behalf if that’s what you want. People often work with an advocate when they’re going through some kind of assessment or review of their care or treatment.

What an advocate can help with

Get information and understand what it means

Explore your options and decide what you want

Contacting people, or contacting them for you

Express your feelings to others, or do this for you

Prepare for meetings, and support you at them

Stand up for your rights to get the services you need.

What an advocate can't do

Provide advice or emotional support

Make decisions for you without your input

Solve someone’s problems for them


Provide care or home support

Agree with everything a person says.

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